Adam West – Digs Scandinavian Chicks 7″
Review in
I-94 Bar
Wahington D.C.’s favourite sex magnets cover tunes by two all-girl Scandinavian bands. “We’re Inside” is an ode to ligging by Thee Ultra Bimbos and odds are that the Adam Westers wished they were, uh, “inside” when they first clapped eyes on these fine-looking Finn fillies. Fuelled by Steve’s stinging lead guitar and Jake’s over-the-top vox, it rocks at a cracking pace. For the record, it was put to tape by Steve Baise (ex-Devil Dogs). Flip is a straight-ahead tune by Norway’s Mensen that has a distinct Dead Boys flavour, and dates from a previous line-up of Adam West with Kevin Hoffman providing the guitar fireworks. Adam West walk the line between metal and punk that some will find hard to warm to. I reckon its stands up to repeated playings. Bootleg Booze is a label that obviously cares about its packaging. This is done nicely.