When the bands Fifty Million Fingers and Blutsäge des Todes disbanded in 2002, the time was ripe to start something new: Me and My Asshole, or more simply M.A.M.A. was born.
The totally fucked up Andiesäge, Satansfuckboy and Tankboy were joined shortly after by Frau Schmidt, who has already axed and sung in Fifty Millions Fingers, The pig-Punkrock of Fifty Million and the Crust-scream-deatmetal-core of Blutsäge became a very colorful mixture of Punk, high-speed R’n’R, old school hardcore and everything what we like to play. We don’t care about style or any correctness: WE do what WE want to! In times when the outfit of a band seems to be more important than the music, we shit out a bastard which is not easily categorized. Our lyrics deal with everyday life: women, alcohol and drugs and the day after women, alcohol and drugs and everything that fucks us up and makes us smile. Moronic humor meets anger, imbecility meets sarcasm and you should not take us too seriously. Everything clear now? OK.
Their CD rock as fuck contains 16 Punkrockblasts between Motörhead and Hüsker Dü in their ‘landspeed’ era.
Released by Matula Records.