V/A – Playing Favourites Volume # 1 (CD)

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Featuring rare and unreleased tracks by…

1. The City Lights: Curse On Everyone (Hey Hey Hey)
2. The Anyones: I Can’t Hear Ya Whistle Blow
3. The Dirtbombs: Walk On Jagged Air
4. The Pieces: I Said So
5. Treetops: The Anvil
6. The Insomniacs: Ye Auld Fayre Heir
7. La Rocca: Sing Song Sung
8. Mexico City: You Weren’t Kidding
9. The Pictures: Heavy Daze
10. The M-16’s: The Shivers And The Shakes
11. Mean Vincent: The Poke
12. Pinky Tuscadero: TDT
13. The Holy Soul: Jesus Caught The 5-19
14. Sad Spring Circus: Flight 69
15. The Dirty Knees: Go Go Children
16. Neon: New Direction
17. The Meek: Leaving Here

Tracks some are like a soundtrack to a fun night.

Released by Illustrius Artists.

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